Patrolling Over the Ecuadorian jungle
Halftime Show Dallas Cowboys
Blake Shelton
Marcus (Lone Survivor) and Morgan Luttrell holding me up for the National Anthem
Hershel “Woody” Williams - Medal of Honor Recipient during Iwo Jima
Puppy Yago
Morgan and Marcus Luttell
Patrolling the Ecuadorian Jungle
On top of a Nazi bunker in Normandy, France
Zeke Elliott, Dallas Cowboys
Speaking at the Ritz Carlton in Laguna Nigel
Normandy, France with Rue
With my beautiful family
Danica Patrick
John “Tig” Tiegen - 13 Hours John “Tig” Tegen 13 hours in Benghazi
Yago comforting patient at Children’s Hospital
Kim and Jason Morgan
Spreading Napal’s ashes with my second service dog Rue.
Military Paralympics
Jeff Kyle (brother of Chris Kyle American Sniper)
Heisman Trophy Winner Herschel Walker
Patriot of the Game Allen Americans Hockey Game 2023
Haute Dog, Chicago, IL
Normandy Beach France. D-Day
Grand Canyon
Keynote Speaker Dallas Police Department Foundation
Normandy Beach France
Danica Patrick